The ONLY Guaranteed Indexing Service
Superpower Your Backlinks and Skyrocket Your Rankings!



per month
  • 1000 links per day
  • Email Support
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per month
  • 10000 links per day
  • One 3rd Party API
  • Link Level Report
  • White Label API
  • Email Support
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per month
  • 30000 links per day
  • Unlimited 3rd Party APIs
  • Link Level Report
  • White Label API
  • Email Support
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per month
  • 200k links per day
  • Unlimited 3rd Party APIs
  • Link Level Report
  • White Label API
  • Email Support
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When Indexing Your Backlinks is Critical

Instead of just crawling your links, our fully automated service starts indexing your backlinks in just a few minutes. The results are insane and can pretty much be considered Google voodoo black magic! The results speak for themselves:

1 hour1 days3 days
Test 1 (5000 links) 17% 53% 72%
Test 2 (5000 links) 23% 48% 63%
Test 3 (5000 links) 12% 74% 85%
Test 4 (5000 links) 19% 37% 52%
*Results ARE typical! Final indexing depends on link quality/type.

If you're tired of fighting the latest Google Penguin, Panda, Hummingbird and other updates, use our service to superpower your backlinks and shoot to page 1 of the Google SERPs. It's totally white hat SEO, Google approved, fully automated and works on all link types including those on your money site.

Start Getting Your Links Indexed Today!


We've been providing SEO services to some pretty large clients since 2004, and one of the big issues throughout all that time, irrespective of Google updates, has been crawling and indexing. If you're producing volumes of SEO content for link-building, or managing networks of sites with constant page production, then you HAVE to have some kind of crawling/spidering system in place to let the search engines know what you're creating. Over the last few years, the SEO landscape has changed heavily with Panda & Penguin, and we've moved all our crawling & spidering work to OneHourIndexing, as we've not found any other service to be more efficient or easy to use. We particularly like the API service, and much of our own bespoke link-building software posts directly through their easy-to-use API. It all works perfectly for us.

Jason K.

We've tested A LOT of indexing methods and services, and were quite impressed by the results from One Hour Indexing. We ran a test with 944 links from a variety of domains. Prior to using One Hour Indexing, the index rate (verified by Scrapebox) was 6%. After One Hour Indexing it had jumped up to 35.3%, which is essentially a 550% increase. Nice!

Kane from

I wasn't even aware my links weren't being indexed by the other services I was using until I ran a test. In a few short days my indexing of wiki links and profile links went from just about nill to 56.3%. You guys have done what several indexing services haven't been able to do. Will be back for more! Thanks again.

STI Marketing

I've been a long time customer of Linklicious and DripFeedLinks, and have always liked the professionalism of HKSEO. I was excited to try this service and flat out amazed with the results. I took my utter garbage, bottom of the barrel backlinks, and got 32% indexing with them in 24 hours. This is going in my SEO toolbox for sure.

Juan with Digital Forerunners

It was great timing when I first saw Justin's email about OneHourIndexing, because I just had around 1000 links I could not get indexed through a different service in the previous month. These were harder than normal type links to index, so I gave him my links as a test and in a few days, came back with 36% of these indexed. So whatever system he is using, it definitely is working because it did something no other indexing service could.

ChrisB at Traffic Planet

I'm pretty new to the SEO game and have been working with the HKSEO guys for a couple of months. When I got the opportunity to try out the new indexing service, I hopped on it. I submitted my list of links, and when I got the results I had 81.8% indexing on my blog posts! My site has already moved up from not in the top 100 to page 4, and I expect it'll continue going up as I use their services.

Paul H. with

I build full sites and don't do a lot of the link building that gets some people in trouble. So when I used OneHourIndexing, I wasn't sure that it'd work. I submitted a site map with a lot of interior sites pages that weren't indexed, and when I checked the next day I had 59% indexing. An amazing service that every SEO should use.


Start Getting Your Links Indexed Today!